About VisionFlow

We are VisionFlow group affiliated with Information Security of Network Systems Laboratory in the College of Computer Science and Big Data at Fuzhou University. We study computer vision, deep learning, and machine learning with the goal of applying academic competence and programming skills to devise a better problem-solving method for challenging tasks. We have closely collarborated with Dr. Bo-Hao Chen in YuanZe University, Taiwan, Dr. Yan-Tsung Peng in National Chengchi University, Taiwan, and Dr. Chung-Chi Tsai in Qualcomm Technologies Inc., USA, from 2019.

Note to prospective students:
We are looking for undergraduate and graduate students who are ready to explore the vision world with exploratory and indefatigable minds.
If you are interested in working in our group, feel free to send me an email (jlyin@fzu.edu.cn) or come by my office (2#401, College of Computer Sicence and Big Data, Fuzhou University).


[Paper] Our work on the transfer adversarial attack has been accpeted to ICCV 2023. Congrats to Bin Chen!
[Paper] Our work on improving the trade-off between robustness and clean accuracy has been accpeted to TIFS 2023.
[Paper] Our work on the UDA model robustness has been accpeted to AAAI 2023. Congrats to Wanqing Zhu!
[Paper] Our work on automatic intermediate image generation for HDR image has been accpeted to IEEE TNNLS 2022.